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Healing Together:
Reiki Share Circle



Monday,  October 21st





🌱 HEALING TOGETHER: Reiki Share Circle 🌱


Join us for a night of energy sharing. The evening’s Reiki share is open to everyone regardless of experience, from first timers to experienced masters. This is an opportunity to discover your innate healing ability or to gain skill in your practice. We will begin with a brief opening circle where we will introduce ourselves and answer any Reiki or energy sharing questions. Following some guiding words from the Reiki Master Teacher, everyone will have the opportunity to give and receive energy. Join us in this sacred space to connect, heal, and share your love!


About the Reiki Share Circle Facilitators:

🌱 Tess Wendorf
Tess witnessed from an early age how lifestyle modifications can change your life. She spent her childhood a competitive figure skater until a chronic pain disorder forced her to stop skating. After a year, many doctors’ visits, and a dedicated Mother, she found relief utilizing natural healing modalities. After graduating college and experiencing chronic ocular migraines, Tess began viewing the body as an ecosystem and seeing the importance of the energy we consume and how it can bring the body in or out of balance.
Although Tess thoroughly enjoys Muay Thai, yoga and Reiki is what makes her feel most at home. She had her first experience with Reiki in 2020, and since then has become certified in several energetic healing modalities. She will always be a student of the practice and is grateful for all the teachers who have shared their wisdom along the way. By connecting with all living things and leading a heart centered life Tess is harmonizing with her true authenticity. Her intention as a teacher and practitioner is to be a light that illuminates the innate healing that lives within all of us.
Tess is the owner of Lunar House Studio, is certified 200 RYT and holds a Yoga Nidra certification. She is an experienced Functional Nutrition Coach through MBG, a Reiki Master Teacher, and holds certifications in Sound Healing, Biofield Tuning and Chakra Balancing.


🌱 John Adams
John grew up playing just about every sport and skateboarded for many years, eventually discovering UFC and martial arts. Even with the discipline required for these arts, he bounced between MMA, kickboxing, Kenpo and muay thai and battled injuries along the way, finding a true passion for GI BJJ last year. John’s spiritual awakening journey began in 2018 and took a similar path to his martial arts journey. He found it difficult to be consistent with a spiritual practice, intermittently doing meditation or breathwork and taking the occasional yoga and qi gong classes. It wasn’t until 2022 that Reiki found John and kickstarted a healing quest, which would begin to break the pattern of inconsistency. Reiki allowed John to start rediscovering his true authentic Self and he experienced tremendous personal and interpersonal growth. He hopes to be a guide for anyone seeking healing and growth, sharing his experiences and knowledge with others.
John is a lifelong student, Reiki Master, Level I Qigong Teacher (Nick Loffree) and holds certifications for Breath and Meditation, Muscle Testing, and Chakra Balancing.


🌱 Energy exchange - $11 
Pre-registration is required through the link below or call 708-559-5644


📌 IMPORTANT NOTE: Please park and enter through the back of the building, door number is 14911

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